I have been writing and illustrating magazine articles and books since the mid-1960s. I first started with technical articles for Canadian Electron magazine. In 1971, my work took me to Kamloops, BC, where I began a weekly Outdoor Scene column for the Kamloops Sentinel. From the column, I moved to features in BC Outdoors magazine and many other magazines.

More than 430 of my magazine articles and 3000 of my photographs have appeared in such publications as Adventure TravelBC OutdoorsCamping CanadaCanadian GeographicField & StreamMotorHomePhoto Life, SkywordWestern Living, and Westworld. I contributed Backroads articles to BC Outdoors magazine for more than 45 years. In recent years I have been a contributor to British Columbia magazine and the British Columbia magazine Road Trips series.

I have been a photograph contributor to the iStock/Getty photo agency for more than a decade and I hope to continue with that work and expand into video.

Grassland Pond

I have also written and illustrated 16 books including: Exploring Kamloops Country;  Fur, Gold & OpalsExploring the Nicola Valley;  Cariboo;  The Craigmont Story;  Backroads Explorer Vol 1: Thompson-CaribooBackroads Explorer Vol 2: Similkameen & South OkanaganOkanagan Country: An Outdoor Recreation Guide; Coquihalla Country: A Guide to BC’s North Cascade Mountains and Nicola Valley; Coquihalla Trips & Trails; Cariboo Trips & Trails and Kootenay Trips & TrailsOkanagan Trips & Trails, co-authored with Judie Steeves of Kelowna, is now in the fourth edition published by Fitzhenry & Whiteside

In addition to my life-long interest in writing, photography and exploring the mountains of western Canada, I have been a workshop speaker at writer’s conferences across Canada and in the U.S.A. My writing and photography has received awards from the Outdoor Writers of Canada and the Macmillan Bloedel newspaper journalism competitions. In 1989, I was given the Allan Sangster Award for Outstanding Service to the Canadian Authors Association. In 2008, I was selected as the winner of the British Columbia Heritage Award for the volunteer work I have done with the Nicola Valley Museum & Archives.

I now live in Merritt, BC with my wife Katharine. I currently serve on the board of the Nicola Valley Museum Archives Association. I recently retired as an active member of the board Trails BC, the organization involved with the Trans Canada Trail in British Columbia.
